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New posts in sencha-touch-2

Ext.define/Ext.extend in Sencha Touch 2

Sencha Touch Label - does it have a Tap Event?


Accessing static properties in Sencha Touch

extjs sencha-touch-2

Using mouse wheel to scroll in Sencha Touch application on desktop

What is the purpose of Ext.require


Sencha Touch 2: List does not display in Panel


Show multiple item in horizontal list

Trigger click event on link tag in JS for Android and iPhone

Redirect_uri_mismatch when contacting Google APIs with OAuth2

How can I get the active tab index in tab panel?

Display a list from nested json: Sencha Touch 2

Sencha Touch 2 - Android Performance

Add (right) Button to Sencha Navigation View


how to call controller function from outside controller function like global function in sencha touch

Generate a sencha touch app

Sencha Touch 2 - How to get form values?

Sencha Touch and Leaflet.js API

How to alert the user when there's no internet connection

Loading associated data in Sencha Touch without nesting

Prev and next buttons for pickers in Sencha Touch 2