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New posts in selenium-webdriver

Unable to locate an Element By ID in Selenium

Setting screen size in PhantomJS C# being driven by Selenium

Selenium - Modal dialog present - how to accept information?

How can we set zoom level in selenium/protractor i.e zoom to 90%

How to handle/accept JS Alerts in PhantomJS using WebDriver?

Change Browser Capabilities through Robot Framework

Can´t get element by class name if class name is a number

TypeError: element(...).then is not a function in Protractor 3.2.1

How to find element by multiple text strings?

Selenium capybara check background color of a div within another div

How to upload file using selenium webdriver+python

org.openqa.selenium.NoAlertPresentException: no alert open

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/File;)

how to disabling notification using selenium for firefox browser


Selenium & ChromeDriver: session not created, unable to connect to renderer

How to retrieve the value of the attribute aria-label from element found using xpath as per the html using Selenium

Selenium error message "selenium.webdriver has no attribute execute script"

Could not start Selenium session: You may not start more than one session at a time


Maximize browser window for Firefox with Selenium WebDriver C#

Why TestNG is executing a public method without @Test annotation