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New posts in sed

How can I call awk or sed from inside a c program?

c sed awk exec

regular expression in sed for masking credit card


How to print file contents with filename before each line?

python perl bash scripting sed

Combine columns from different files

perl bash sed awk

Repeating regex replace with SED

regex linux sed

sed replace in-line a specific column number value at a specific line number

linux shell sed

Submitting Base64 CSR to a Microsoft CA (via cURL)

iis curl encoding sed csr

Bash + sed/awk/cut to delete nth character

bash awk sed

How can I apply Unix's / Sed's / Perl's transliterate (tr) to only a specific column?

perl bash sed

sed to insert colon in a mac address

regex sed

use sed to insert a line after matching a block of text

bash shell sed awk

Extract string between two characters in bash

string bash sed awk

Any way to find if two adjacent new lines start with certain words?

perl bash sed grep

What is platform independent way of converting csv files to tsv files if the csv files can be quoted with comma inside the quoted strings?

perl csv sed awk tsv

grep and sed with spaces in filenames

linux search replace sed grep

how to remove first two words of a strings output

linux bash awk sed cut

Printing next line with sed


replace xml value with sed [duplicate]

xml bash sed

sed: Extract version number from string


List all the words in a text file with occurrence counts?

bash sed awk