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New posts in scripting-bridge

Entitlement Keys/Access Groups for Scripting Targets

Reading currently playing track in macOS using ScriptingBridge not working

How to wrap Objective-C, to be called from Python?

Objective-C Mac OS X Distributed notifications iTunes

Swift and ScriptingBridge.framework

How do I get the window id and tab number of a Terminal window using AppleScript via the ScriptingBridge?

How to add a track to an iTunes playlist using Python and Scripting Bridge

Scripting Bridge vs PyObjC vs py2app

Add movie to iTunes using Scripting Bridge

Get iTunes Artwork for Current Song with ScriptingBridge

Send HTML Mail from Cocoa with Mail.app

Python printing attributes with no __dict__

python scripting-bridge

What is the type of an enum whose values appear to be strings?

c cocoa enums scripting-bridge

Cocoa bindings for the Go language