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maven "rerun with -feature" when compiling scala

How can I find the source file that causes a Scalac Compiler crash

scala sbt scalac

Why can't scalac optimize tail recursion in certain scenarios?

Scala: The `-` [dash, minus] command is deprecated in favor of `onFailure` and will be removed in 0.14.0

scala sbt scalac

How can I create a separate sbt Configuration or Task to compile with WartRemover?

scala sbt scalac

re-run with -feature for details, How to see scala feature warnings when building with gradle?

scala build gradle scalac

object scala in compiler mirror not found - running Scala compiler programmatically

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How do I compile Scala Hello World application

scala scalac

Implicit conversion from Int to Double in scala doesn't work

What is the performance impact of using the type class pattern in Scala

Scala nondeterministic / caches classes?

scala scalac

How do I alias the scala setter method 'myvar_$eq(myval)' to something more pleasing when in java?

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How do I turn off the Scala Fast Compilation server's (FSC) timeout?

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sbt 0.12.4 - there were x feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details

scala sbt scalac

Log implicits only for "diverging implicit expansion"s

How can I find a description of scala compiler flags/options?

scala scalac scala-compiler

-Ywarn-unused-import triggering on play routes file

scala playframework sbt scalac