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New posts in scala

Running `play test` on OSX causes a java app to appear in the dock

waiting for "recursive" futures in scala

scala future

Scala serialization exception with Enumeration Value

Serving local images with Play 2 / Scala

scala playframework-2.0

Comparing type mapped values in Slick queries

scala slick

What is the usage of a final var in Scala


Scala cake-pattern compile error with Precog config pattern

Custom "let" expression in Scala

scala syntax let

Scala iterator: "one should never use an iterator after calling a method on it" - why?

scala iterator

How to match a `universe#Type` via quasiquotes or deconstructors?

Why does List.toString and Vector.toString return a nice representation but not Array.toString?


Sending a custom POST https request in dispatch (+cookies, + headers)

How are closures implemented in scala?

scala closures decompiling

Overriding val in scala


Mapping a Scala future of a list

scala future

Inferred type of function that zips HLists

scala shapeless hlist

Case classes in Scala with behavior

class scala case

Having `f =` move to either => or ⇒

scala vim

I cannot understand what is `Null` in Dart

c# oop scala dart type-systems

Custom Mapped Column Types In Slick Table Definition

scala slick