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New posts in saucelabs

'Angular could not be found' when integrating Travis/Sauce Labs

Protractor File Upload with Saucelabs

How to use saucelabs with nightwatch?

nightwatch.js saucelabs

Dynamically setting the $browsers static property in Sauce.io phpunit selenium tests

selenium phpunit saucelabs

Pass BrowserMob Proxy to Sauce Labs - "The proxy server is refusing connections" Error

karma-sauce-launcher disconnects every test run resulting in failed runs with IE and Safari

karma-runner saucelabs

Mixing Client-/Server-Side Tests

Getting started with Protractor, Travis and SauceLabs

Get Session ID for a Selenium RemoteWebDriver in C#

Where are the code examples for connecting your tests to Sauce Connect?

webdriver saucelabs

Is it possible to limit ammount of concurrent builds in Travis-CI

travis-ci saucelabs

I'm providing 'sauceUser' and 'sauceKey' in my config yet sauce says I'm trying to authenticate with username 'None' and access key 'None'

Travis-CI + Sauce Connect + Behat: Unable to get Internet Explorer to run tests

Cypress with Sauce Labs

Clear old tests from the results page


How can I use selenium-webdriver package with SauceLabs?

Running e2e tests on Sauce Labs from Protractor on Travis

WebDriver - element is not clickable Chrome