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How can I create a copy of an Sybase table with data?


how to check permissions on a table in sybase ase

sybase sap-ase

Sybase sybpydb queries not returning anything

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Finding the last day of the week

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How to debug stored procedures in Sybase ASE?

JZ0SJ: Metadata accessor information was not found on this database

SQL query for "concatenate on join"

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Sybase ASE: "Your server command encountered a deadlock situation"

SSMS connection to Sybase ASE

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sql compute difference between 2 rows

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Case insensitive search on Sybase

Sybase: Can't CREATE DATABASE: Why not?

sybase sap-ase

How do I look at column metadata in Sybase?

metadata sybase sap-ase

Why should I use GO command in sybase?

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Why does this sybase error go away with any change to the query?

How to connect to Sybase database from .net core

How do I get column type from table?

sql sap-ase