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New posts in salt-stack

Jinja2 map list to dictionary

python jinja2 salt-stack

The repository is not signed to install a package on Ubuntu


Using file.managed for downloading a file in Salt

Salt: Can I use an argument from the command line as a jinja variable?

jinja2 salt-stack

Salt minion returns no response after being accepted


How to avoid repeating myself in Salt states?

Saltstack: ignoring result of cmd.run


SaltStack state to install .deb package file and dependencies

ubuntu-14.04 salt-stack deb

Repository structure for a saltstack project

git salt-stack

How can I validate a salt minion's key fingerprint before accepting it on the master?


Setting Up Environments with SaltStack

git salt-stack

How can I dump pillar data, that will be send to minion


How do I append to each item in a list of strings?

jinja2 salt-stack

How to get IP address of hostname inside jinja template

python jinja2 salt-stack

How do I pass parameters to a salt state file?

python salt-stack

Check file exists and create a symlink


Salt-stack list all available states


Set environment variable using saltstack

python tomcat salt-stack

How to join two Salt pillar files and merge data?


how to render and dump the file sls with salt stack without applying it

render state salt-stack