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Repository structure for a saltstack project




I'm starting on a new project and I'd like to use SaltStack for managing a large deployment spanning several datacenters. Everything runs on Linux. I had previous experience with Chef but I relatively new to SaltStack. My goal is to keep the entire project in a single git repository and make SaltStack to pull configurations from this repository and apply it to minions. It seems that SaltStack have no notion of versioning but serving content from different branches in the repository would work even better. So, I was thinking to create a git repository of the following structure:

salt -+- config (for salt-master config files)
      +- states
      +- pillars
      +- reactors
      +- formulas

and use different branches for dev, qa and prod environments. I also would like to use pillars for providing datacenter specific configuration and I was thinking to use GitFS to glue everything together.

However, there are those pesky top.sls files that handled in a very peculiar way, do not fit in this picture and eventually break this concept.

There also configuration files that I'd like to keep in this repository but I have no better idea for now other then manually copy or symlink them to under /etc/salt from the config directory.

I went through documentation several times and did some experimentation in a simulation environment but I couldn't come up with any sensible project layout yet, so I'm reaching to the stackoverflow community.

My questions are:

  1. Could anybody share a repository structure and configuration they successfully used for managing a similar environment?
  2. Have anybody figured out a good way for maintaining configuration files?
like image 722
dtoux Avatar asked Feb 27 '15 04:02


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SaltStack Architecture is basically a Server/Client model having required functionalities that are built into the single set processes. SaltMaster: The salt-master is a master daemon, this daemon is used for sending configurations and commands to the Salt Slaves.

How to set up the SaltStack environment?

If you are setting up the SaltStack Environment for the first time, then, you must install the SaltMaster on a dedicated VM or Server. After that, you need to install the Salt Minion on every system which you want to manage by using the SaltStack. For the SaltStack installation, a user must complete the following requirements:

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1 Answers

It sounds like you're headed in a reasonable direction. We don't have quite as large an operation as you (e.g. we don't use multiple environments as yet, just base; we don't use reactors, etc.), but we've got a similar layout to our main states repo.

Here are a few practices we've adopted:


We use a Fabric script to deploy configuration and updated states/pillars from the repository to the salt-master. The Fabric script also has tasks to bootstrap a new machine w/ salt-minion and automate the key exchange w/ the master.

We could use GitFS, I suppose, but I had some trouble getting it set up and applying updated changesets reliably. In theory, you could bootstrap salt to deploy itself, but in practice a separate, limited deployment process has been good enough.

Segregated secrets

We keep all "secrets" in separate repositories as pillar files, to keep them out of our main repository. Our deploy script checks these out and deploys them to the correct place in our /srv/pillar tree on salt-master. This allows us to keep sensitive data (passwords, key pairs, etc.) out of our main repository. We use salt to provision Vagrant VMs on developer machines, so "development secrets" are stored in the main repository.

like image 97
David Eyk Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

David Eyk