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gem install typhoeus - failed to build gem extension

How to update system Ruby to 1.9.2 on Mac?

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RubyMine - ruby - what does [global] mean in rvm, should i use a global or non-global sdk

How to run pry on Debian Linux for ARM

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I can't install the sqlite3 gem on mac osx 10.8.2

Unable to install OpenSSL package with RVM on Mountain Lion

Capistrano deploy error: Stage not set

spring & rvm symlink alias commands to bin/

Should I include .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset when deploying a rails app?

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Ruby on Rails - error when running cucumber: You have already activated activesupport 3.2.1, but your Gemfile requires activesupport 3.1.0.

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I killed rvm now I have a bash message

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rvm keeps ignoring my .rvmrc

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How does RVM detect when you've changed directories?

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Rails 3 initializes extremely slow on Ruby 1.9.2