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R {xml_node} to plain text while preserving the tags?

r rvest xml2

How to scrape tables inside a comment tag in html with R?

Scraping a complex HTML table into a data.frame in R

r rvest

What's my user agent when I parse website with rvest package in R?

r web-scraping rvest

Simultaneously escape double and single quotes in Xpath

r xpath escaping quotes rvest

Following "next" link with relative paths using rvest

html r web-scraping rvest

Extract text and links from unbalanced html table

Filling and submit search with rvest in R

r rvest

Read complex html file into R with rvest

html r rvest

Specifying column class in html_table(rvest)

html r html-table rvest

How to submit a form that seems to be handled by JavaScript using httr or rvest?

r post web-scraping rvest httr

Package "rvest" for web scraping https site with proxy

r web-scraping rvest

HTML table does not show on source file

How to save and read output of read_html as an RDS file?

r rvest xml2

How do I use html_nodes to select nodes with "attribute = x" in R?

html r rvest

follow a page redirect using rvest in R

Getting information with web scraping from multiple screen web page

r rvest

Cannot save - load xml_document generated from rvest in R

r xml rvest

Identify a weblink in bold in R

html r rvest httr