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Execute tests in RubyMine causes "uninitialized constant Spring::Client::Run::UNIXSocket" on Windows 7

RubyMine doesn't recognize gem from git repository

Rubymine: How do i make it so that when i type # in double quoted string, it auto fills #{}


Can't launch using from RubyMine

ruby rmagick rubymine

debugging a rails app with rubymine

Rubymine - Uncaught exception: Could not find rake-10.1.0 in any of the sources

How do I add the next occurrence of the current word to the selection in RubyMine (like in Sublime Text)?

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Change Rubymine Rspec Color

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Setting an environment variable when running default Debug command in Rubymine

Rubymine cant change Language Level | Updated to Ruby 2.1.1

ruby ide rubymine ruby-2.1

RubyMine can't find Ruby SDK on Ubuntu

ruby rubymine

How to integrate pry with RubyMine IRB console?

RubyMine not recognising gems installed with bundler in the editor


Inspection Warning: Cannot find declaration for field

ruby rubymine

Can't run RubyMine debugger with RVM, Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3

Can I tell or hint to RubyMine what type a local or instance variable is?

ruby rubymine

Is there anyway to let RubyMine choose first completion choice like Intellij Idea?

How to Uninstall RubyMine?

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What are the big differences between IntelliJ + Ruby Plugin vs RubyMine?

Failed to load remote gems: stack level too deep (SystemStackError)

ruby rubygems rubymine