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New posts in rtti

Is possible get rtti info for types declarated in the implementation part of a different unit

delphi delphi-xe rtti

Is the "this" pointer RTTI-enabled?

c++ rtti

How to get the class type reference by its name in Delphi XE?

delphi delphi-xe rtti

Do C++ POD types have RTTI?

c++ rtti vtable

Find all Class Helpers in Delphi at runtime using RTTI?

How know type variable is TDateTime, TDate and TTime in Delphi

delphi rtti tdatetime

Is there any way to get the class name of an old style (Borland Pascal) object instance in Delphi 7?

delphi rtti

Can I get a PTypeInfo from a string?

delphi rtti

Delphi RTTI: Get property's class

Checking the object type in C++11

c++ c++11 rtti typeid

Delphi 7: create a new instance of an unknown object

delphi delphi-7 rtti

Design Pattern for caching different derived types without using RTTI

c++ design-patterns c++11 rtti

Converting an string to a enum type using TValue?

delphi delphi-2010 rtti tvalue

How do I create a generic TValue for enumerated RTTI field?

delphi delphi-xe rtti

Explicit type identifier vs RTTI

c++ inheritance rtti

How to turn off RTTI in Visual Studio 2008

c++ visual-studio-2008 rtti

What's the lifetime of the object returned by typeid operator?

What's the lifetime of memory pointed to typeinfo::name()?

c++ rtti typeid typeinfo

access all elements of a record using RTTI

delphi rtti

How to typeof in C++

c++ rtti typeof typeid