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New posts in rounding

C# - Round float every time down

c# rounding

How does Rounding in Python work?

Precision nightmare in Java and SQL Server

How do you round down to the nearest multiple of 20in Java?

java math rounding

Why does GCC allow use of round() in C++ even with the ansi and pedantic flags?

c++ gcc rounding c++98

SQL str() vs round() function

sql rounding

Cleanly dealing with rounding/accumulation errors

c# .net rounding

Difference between BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP and RoundingMode.HALF_UP?

java rounding bigdecimal

pd.read_feather problems with decimal / thousands separator and rounding problems for floats

Hard-coded 8191 10485 values in JavaScript rounding function

Can I use rounding to ensure determinism of atomic floating point operations?

Round each number of list to most near number in another list

decimal.InvalidOperation error when rounding values in Series

Why does python round(np.float16(np.pi),5) return infinity? Bug, limitation, or expected?

Eliminating rounding errors from matrix

BigDecimal round to 0 or 5

android rounding bigdecimal