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New posts in decimal-point

The Val() function doesn't recognize system-wide decimal point

Matlab: How to read in numbers with a comma as decimal separator?

Python PANDAS write to csv: how to set decimal point (".", or ",")?

How to round the double value upto two decimal points in dart?

Why is VBA changing decimal to comma automatically?

excel vba locale decimal-point

Ruby Regex to round trailing zeros

Comma and (decimal) point: Do they need different handling?

In Perl, how can I limit the number of places after the decimal point but have no trailing zeroes?

perl printf decimal-point

Linq to SQL: Why decimal field get truncated on Insert?

pd.read_feather problems with decimal / thousands separator and rounding problems for floats

How to format float decimals when using Value With Pattern binding?

How to calculate decimal digits of precision based on the number of bits?

How to specify the decimal separator in Google Charts?

Limiting text field entry to only one decimal point

How to properly display a price up to two decimals (cents) including trailing zeros in Java?

double string conversion and locale

How to display a fixed number of digits in C++ without rounding

c++ output decimal-point

rounding decimal points [duplicate]

java decimal-point

Android - Comma as decimal separator on Numeric Keyboard

How to fix an application that has a problem with decimal separator