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New posts in roleprovider

Accessing authorization information in web.config

Umbraco 7 custom membership and role providers

User.IsInRole vs Roles.IsUserInRole in AuthenticateRequest

Symfony2 in_memory users provider issue

Where does Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name come from?

How to provide dependency injection via StructureMap for a custom role provider with WCF?

Referencing RoleProvider in a class library

asp.net roleprovider

Mock default role provider for controller's action unit test

How to get users not in role,

Sitemap Security Trimming throws SQL error

Asp.net MVC Role manager

need some idea about how to manage roles in my application (ASP.NET MVC3)

Default Role Provider could not be found on IIS 7 running .NET 4

Do I need to update all the methods of an abstract class?

ASP .NET Custom RoleProvider not respecting cacheRolesInCookie="true"

How to do authorization in ASP.net MVC 4 today?

ASP.NET MVC 3 Ninject Custom Membership and Role Provider

Is RoleProvider not longer available in C# Framework 4.0?

c# sql c#-4.0 roleprovider

Reference current RoleProvider instance?

c# asp.net roleprovider