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New posts in rippledrawable

Android: <include> with RippleEffect & StateListAnimator

Ripple effect does not work in RelativeLayout

Create a ripple drawable without transparency

Ripple effect over imageview

android rippledrawable

Disable Ripple on ListView

Ripple effect does not show up sometimes

RippleDrawable mask color, what is it for?

Material ripple effect hidden by other view in layout

Implementing Ripple effect outside ImageButton

How to use RippleDrawable programmatically in code (not xml) with Android 5.0 Lollipop?

Lollipop RippleDrawable vs Selector for Pre-Lollipop

AppCompatButton backgroundTint API < 21

Ripples on a shape with a transparent background

android rippledrawable

Android ripple background color

Android L's Ripple Effect - Touch Feedback for Buttons - Using XML

Listview selector with colored background and ripple effect

How to set state_selected in ripple drawable

Touch feedback with RecyclerView and CardView

How to create ripple effect in simple layout

How to make a circular ripple on a button when it's being clicked?