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New posts in ringtone

Can I insert a android:defaultValue trait for RingtonePreference, via XML?

How to get ringtone preference at runtime?

How to play a ringtone which is only for Push Notification Arrivals of my application?

Ringtone plays over and over again (looping infinitely)

How do I add my app's notification sound to the notification sound list?

Setting a custom ringtone without explicit permission of WRITE_SETTINGS

How can I set a ringtone for an individual contact on Android?

How to set a file as a ringtone for Android 10?

Add ringtones in android emulator

android emulation ringtone

How to play ringtone sound in Android with infinite loop?

Access iPhone's built-in ringtones

ios iphone ringtone

Android Froyo setting ringtone

java android ringtone

Why RingtoneManager.setActualDefaultRingtoneUri could not work? [android API-8]

android ringtone

How do I play the default Phone ringtone programmatically?

RingtoneManager returning null ringtone

java android ringtone

How to get URI current/default ringtone for incoming SMS?

Playing default ringtone

android ringtone soundpool

How do I stop the currently playing ringtone?

android ringtone

How to get current ringtone in Android?

Setting Ringtone in Android [duplicate]

android ringtone