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New posts in revision-history

Why does git merge with no conflicts still produce a merge commit?

Visual studio code: automatic commit git

Audit and data history in java

CouchDB replication stopped after a _conflict

Perforce: Is there a straightforward way to track a code change to the original submission?

Git pull from another repository without history

How can I "Censor" the history of a git repository?

How to get full Wikipedia revision-history list from some article?

Why Subversive is not displaying complete SVN revision history?

git filter-branch remove all submodules from my repo

Ruby on Rails: How to track changes like StackOverflow implements its revision history?

Hibernate Envers : get only changed fields

How do I clone, fetch or sparse checkout a single directory or a list of directories from git repository?

VBA for each loop locked when I revert revisions

Accessing google docs revision history through the API using R?

Merge old git commit with HEAD at master

Model History in Django

CouchDB Fauxton - How to navigate through revisions history?