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New posts in reverse-engineering

Is There a Way to Tell What Language Was Used for a Program?

Where does the limitation of 10^15 in D.J. Bernstein's 'primegen' program come from?

Telegram: get fileid from telegram client

Preventing java agents from attaching at runtime

How to reverse-engineer / decompile an Android APK which was obfuscated using ProGuard?

Compile time string encryption using constexpr

IDA pro asm instructions change

Hexdump reverse command

Reversing CRC32

Reverse engineering a check digit algorithm

How to make a good anti-crack protection?

Why does this code enable me to detect a debugger?

Howto Reverse-Engineer a REST-Webservice

UML free reverse engineering tool for C++ (.h/.cpp ==> Class Diagram)

Decompile XAPK file

What exactly does _malloc do in assembly?

Reverse engineering iWork '13 formats

Making commercial Java software (DRM)

reverse engineering c programs

How do I bypass IsDebuggerPresent with OllyDbg?