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Retrofit, Gson and an array of heterogeneous objects

How to apply Synchronous task for retrofit android

How to pass Parameter In retrofit

android retrofit

@Part in multipart sends the string parameters in double quote

How to send FCM notification from android using Retrofit?

android retrofit retrofit2

rxjava + retrofit - How to wait and get the result of first observable in android?

what does Method getResources not annotated with request type (e.g., GET, POST) mean?

java retrofit

retrofit expected begin_array but was begin_object at line 1 column 2 path $

java android rest retrofit

Retrofit2 + RxJava error handling

How to pass POST parameter in retrofit API method?

android rest retrofit

retrofit httpLogInterceptor java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

android retrofit okhttp

Retrofit Method invocation may produce 'java.lang.NullPointerException'

android - Retrofit call void using Kotlin

kotlin retrofit

Android Retrofit return status 500 internal server error

android rest retrofit

Retrofit Cache Data for Offline Usage

Read plain text response from server using Retrofit

Retrofit - Can I map response data fields?

android retrofit

Why is retrofit reordering my QueryMap params?

android retrofit github-api

Retrofit display request details - body, headers, etc

android retrofit

Android: Realm + Retrofit - Serialize apiresponse

android gson retrofit realm