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Android: Realm + Retrofit - Serialize apiresponse

Preface: I'm using Retrofit to handle my API calls and Realm(realm.io) to store the data.

The API im dealing with uses the following structure:

Array Response


Single object response


All api responses are contained in a response object either in an array (if result size > 1) or an object (if result size == 1).

I currently have my API call as follows:

void getAllExampleObjects(Callback<MyRealmClass> callback);

How can I serialise the API response (handling both array and single object cases) to place them in my realm?

like image 906
Naz Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 04:12


1 Answers

Christian from Realm here. If you have a single REST API call that can return both a list and a single object, you will have to do something manually. As colriot points out you will have to write your own GSON deserializer. For ideas how to write one see a very good answer in this SO post: How to handle parameters that can be an ARRAY or OBJECT in Retrofit on Android?

To get the objects into Realm you can use realm.copyToRealm(objects) in the following way:

void getAllExampleObjects(Callback<List<MyRealmClass>> callback);

Callback callback = new Callback() {
    public void success(List<MyRealmClass> objects, Response response) {

    public void failure(RetrofitError retrofitError) {

like image 55
Christian Melchior Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 13:12

Christian Melchior