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New posts in restful-authentication

Losing session in rails 2.3.2 app using subdomain

Designing a web api: How to authenticate?

Simple PHP REST server with secure user authentication and registered third party applications

Is WIF a good option for securing WCF 4.0 Restful service with iPhone

Authentication for a web and mobile app over a RESTfull web service built on django

How do I securely connect a Backbone.js app to a database?

Laravel RESTful API authentication for mobile app

Android + Firebase Auth + REST API: How to properly work with token?

SAML 2.0 based Authentication for iPhone application

Client Facing REST API Authentication

How to send secure token from RESTful service?

Shibboleth restful api

how to deal with access token and refresh token in client side

Rest Assured - Cannot serialize because cannot determine how to serialize content-type

App structure for roles-based RESTful resources

In Restful web services how to get username or password programmatically (basic authentication)

Securing a session-less RESTful API endpoint