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What is SOA, Microservices, REST and Web Services "in plain English"?

Which HTTP code should be return from REST API?

rest http

Nodejs read JSON data from a http request chunk

json node.js rest

get Header in jersey from a GET request

java angularjs json rest jersey

Trying to use REST API to create repositories in sonatype Nexus

xml rest curl repository nexus

Django rest auth user_logged_in signal

How to execute saml enabled url in Postman Client without using saml2=disabled?

Why does Elasticsearch Bulk-API use "Content-Type: application/json" header?

json rest elasticsearch

ASP.NET and C#: where do you store the rest client url?

werkzeug.exceptions.BadRequestKeyError: 400 Bad Request: The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand. KeyError: 'id'

rest api post flask

How do you deal with dynamic resources in a RESTful context?


Is it a good thing for a custom rest protocol to be binary based instead of text based like Http?

rest binary sockets soa

Order confirmation page in rails

Rails, REST Architecture and HTML 5: Cross domain requests with pre-flight requests

RESTful Controllers with Different Http Methods, But the Same Parameters

asp.net-mvc rest crud

Sync backbone.js to php/MySQL

how to specify a range of data or multiple entities in a restful web-service

rest paging range restful-url

Pass GET parameters with Ruby Curb

Is it possible to alter the folder structure in a Rails project?

"True" REST routing via MVC 4 Web API