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Is it possible to have one Unicorn child process a queue, whilst the rest process web requests on Heroku single Dyno?

Consequent attribute calculations with a queuing system

Starting Resque at boot / Passenger restart

Where do I put my resque-retry failure backend code?

Where should I define my resque logger in my rails application

ruby-on-rails ruby resque

Check if a resque job with specific args is pending in queue

Mandrill SMTP giving EOFError: end of file reached errors

Multi-threading ruby workers on heroku

How can I run Rails background jobs with Resque on AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

Regularly purge stale Resque workers on Heroku?

Rails + XMPP bot in background

ActiveRecord unable to reconnect when running inside forked/threaded application?

Resque on Heroku cedar stack Worker count still exists after the worker terminate

Resque: time-critical jobs that are executed sequentially per user

ruby-on-rails queue resque

"undefined method `process_route'" when going to resque web ui

ruby-on-rails resque

Does anyone run more than one resque worker in a Heroku Dyno?

heroku resque

How do you configure resque-web to use Resque.redis.namespace?

Upgrade Rails 3.2 to 4.2 -> cannot load such file -- resque_scheduler/tasks

Redis with Resque and Rails: ERR command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'

How to bridge the testing using Resque with Rspec examples?

rspec resque