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What is the proper user-agent to use for a server?

http request user-agent

How to make a simple SAML request with PHP?

SOAP request JavaScript in Browser not giving response

Integrate DynamoDb in Sails js

How to get a URL "title" tag value?

swift http get request title

Google recaptcha remoteip explanation

request ip recaptcha captcha

How to receive request payload in service worker?

Server cannot consume application/xml request sent from Electron application

How to cast req.query parameters in Express using Typescript

How to send SOAP request header in Java?

java soap header request

using session objects in django while testing?

django testing session request

Wordpress 301 Moved Permanently response on Jquery.post request

jquery wordpress request

HTTPBuilder set requestBody on GET method

groovy get request httpbuilder

what in PHP server setup would cause $_REQUEST to be empty?

php ajax wordpress request

Authenticated Requests in OAuth Java

Network Pinging with Python

python request

How to set a request header in behat tests?

header request behat

App engine request headers for ip address

Does each request access the same servlet object?

java http servlets request

Python Requests - Dynamically Pass HTTP Verb

python http request http-verbs