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New posts in relational-database

Are document-oriented databases meant to replace relational databases?

How to empty my destination table before inserting new records in SSIS?

Decomposing a relation into BCNF

Using a Filesystem (Not a Database!) for Schemaless Data - Best Practices

Relational Data Model for Double-Entry Accounting

Closest equivalent to SQLAlchemy for Java/Scala [closed]

Can one make a relational database using MongoDB?

Why are relational databases having scalability issues?

designing database to hold different metadata information

Is MongoDB a valid alternative to relational db + lucene? [closed]

Query the contents of stored procedures on SQL Server

MySQL query, MAX() + GROUP BY

what are the advantages of defining a foreign key

What is the difference between 3NF and BCNF?

How to perform a LEFT JOIN in SQL Server between two SELECT statements?

Safe modelling of relational data in Haskell

Relational vs. Dimensional Databases, what's the difference?

Triple Stores vs Relational Databases [closed]

When to use a key-value data store vs. a more traditional relational DB? [closed]

What is the difference between MySQL & MySQL2 considering NodeJS