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New posts in regular-language

Need Regular Expression for Finite Automata: Even number of 1s and Even number of 0s

If we know a CFG only generates regular language, can we get the corresponding regular expression?

No \p{L} for JavaScript Regex ? Use Unicode in JS regex [duplicate]

What is the power of regular expressions?

regex regular-language

How should one proceed to prove (or find) if two regular expressions are same or equivalent?

To make sure: Pumping lemma for infinite regular languages only?

An infinite language can't be regular? What is a finite language?

Minimum pumping length for the following regular languages

Is L = {a^n b^m | n>m} a regular or irregular language?

Is there a way to negate a regular expression?

Why is {a^nb^n | n >= 0} not regular?

The difference between Chomsky type 3 and Chomsky type 2 grammar

Finding the complement of a DFA?

Regular expression for strings with even number of a's and odd no of b's

Iranian postal code validation

regex regular-language

Aren't modern regular expression dialects regular?

regex regular-language

chomsky hierarchy in plain english

Determining whether a regex is a subset of another

What is a regular language?

Regular vs Context Free Grammars