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New posts in regex

How can I match a Java regex on numbers and slashes (image resolution in a file path)

java regex

split string without loss of characters

regex r split strsplit

Textbox check with Regex expression not allowing decimal

Regex to validate length of alphanumeric string

I would like to use gsub in R to match all items which are not alphanumeric

regex r gsub

How would I do this in Java Regex?

java regex

PHP strip all brackets from string [duplicate]

php regex freebase

Look for Nested XML tag with Regex

html xml regex tags nested

What regex would detect if a string is part of a numbered list?

javascript regex

Difference between possessive quantifier and once-only subpatterns

php regex pcre

CIDR notation and IP range validator pattern

java regex ip cidr

How to match multiple regex patterns in ruby

ruby regex

regex match space not in parenthesis, accolades or squared barackets


Find all occurrences of a substring (including overlap)?

python regex string substring

Vim matching everything except a character at the beginning of a line

regex vim

Time complexity of gsub

Distinguish multiple regex hits in a line?

regex perl

finding a number in space separated list with REGEXP

mysql sql regex

python: split string after comma and dots

python regex

C# replace string except when preceded by another

c# regex string replace