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How to have an object/class tell me what jar file it is from

java eclipse reflection

Java reflection accessing method with default modifier in the super class

java reflection

How would I use reflection to call all the methods that has a certain custom attribute?

Create delegate via reflection

Is it possible to pass in a property name as a string and assign a value to it?

c# .net vb.net reflection

PHP Reflection Class. How to get the values of the properties?

php reflection get

How to exclude "property methods" in Type.GetMethods?

how to pass multiple generic arguments

c# .net generics reflection

Protect Final Variables from reflection

How to access a private field of the super class of the super class with reflection in Java?

java reflection

ambiguous match when calling method via reflection

c# reflection

PHP equivalent of send and getattr?

C# String representation of method

c# .net reflection codedom

Using reflection to set a property of a property of an object

asp.net reflection c#-3.0

How can I pass a method acquired by reflection in C# to a method that accepts the method as a delegate?

How to call a generic method through reflection [duplicate]

c# reflection generics

How to create a decent toString() method in scala using reflection?

reflection scala tostring

How to get nested properties

c# reflection

Groovy - reflection on a Java class - methods and parameters

GetFields of derived type

c# reflection