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New posts in recursion-schemes

How does compiler figure out fixed point of a functor and how cata work at leaf level?

Deforestation in a Hylomorphism

Fix and Mu isomorphic

Can I write `foldr` (or `foldMap`) in terms of 'recursion schemes' `cata`?

How to use recursion-schemes to `cata` two mutually-recursive types?

haskell recursion-schemes

What is an anamorphism, and how does one look like in C#?

How do I give a Functor instance to a datatype built for general recursion schemes?

Is it possible to compare two trees with recursion schemes?

List filter using an anamorphism

A library implementation of a recursion scheme

Once I have an F-Algebra, can I define Foldable and Traversable in terms of it?

Recursion Schemes in Agda

What's the type of a catamorphism (fold) for non-regular recursive types?

What is a catamorphism and can it be implemented in C# 3.0?

What is the difference between Fix, Mu and Nu in Ed Kmett's recursion scheme package

Are Ana-/Catamorphisms just slower?

Histomorphisms, Zygomorphisms and Futumorphisms specialised to lists

Recursion schemes for dummies?

What does "coalgebra" mean in the context of programming?