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New posts in recommendation-engine

Google Prediction API vs Graph Databases for Generated Recommendations?

Neural Network Recommendation Engine [closed]

Mahout Plugin for ruby on rails

Writing a basic recommendation engine [closed]


Recommendation Engines for Java applications [closed]

How to use mllib.recommendation if the user ids are string instead of contiguous integers?

Lightfm: handling user and item cold-start

Get Google Analytics "Visitors Flow" data from API

How to evaluate a Content-based Recommender System


Recall, Recall rate@k and precision in top-k recommendation

A good collaborative filtering/matching/recommendation library for Python/Django?

How can I implement a recommendation engine?

Why is the Netflix Prize so challenging? [closed]

Dealing with lots of data in Firebase for a recommender system

SOLR and Natural Language Parsing - Can I use it?

What should be considered when building a Recommendation Engine?

Tag/Keyword based recommendation

How do recommendation systems work?

How to create my own recommendation engine? [closed]