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create an index without locking the DB

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RCov for RSpec 2 not detecting coverage correctly? (not Rails!)

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Rails : Rake Test:functionals cannot access DB (Sqlite3 on winXP)

newbie: error message when 'rake -T'

Could not find rake with bundle exec

rake db tasks running twice

How to manage migrations for a rails engine + dummy app

How can I speed up Ruby/Rake task

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No such file or directory - git ls-files -- WINDOWS

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How to parse rake arguments with OptionParser

Scope of rakes in a rails project?

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Why is this gem not adding rake tasks to a Rails app?

`last_comment` is deprecated. Please use `last_description` instead

ruby-on-rails rake

How should I be trying out my gem during development?

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rails secret_key_base not being recognized in production

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rake on windows: bad interpreter: permission denied

ruby rake

Using a rake task that accepts parameters as a prerequisite

ruby rake

rake spec:models VS rspec spec/models which is recommended

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How can I export database structure from the db into migration file?

How to run "rake resque:work QUEUE=*" when Rails server boots?