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"Get Available Generators List" warning in RubyMine. How do I get rid of this?

How to use asset_url helper in Rake task

Rake Assets Precompile without Gems in Development or Test Groups

Rails migration extremely slow even when there are no pending migrations

Rspec- Testing a rake task that calls "abort"

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How to programmatically determine the installed version of IE from a script

How do I write an Albacore zip task that includes only certain folders and the folders themselves?

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Execute a rake task on a remote server

After Rails 3 upgrade rake db:test:prepare not working?

Is it possible to send arguments to `rake cucumber` without using environment variables?

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NoMethodError: undefined method `symbolize_keys!' for Hash

Octopress errors - rake preview, watch or generate

How to get help on a specific rake task?

How can I call a controller action from a rake task?

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Ruby filelist exclude a folder

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"Private" Rake tasks with the Rails environment

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Rails Spree project - Database inaccessible from other contributor on Git

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rake db:create generated "if you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation" error

Rails DB Migration Error: relation already exists

Jobs with Resque gives "Don't know how to build task 'jobs:work'" on Heroku