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Rspec- Testing a rake task that calls "abort"




I have a rake task that calls abort if a condition is met, this is a simplified example:

name :foo do
  desc 'Runs on mondays'
  task bar: :environment do
    abort unless Date.current.monday?
    # do some special stuff

When I write RSpec tests for this rake task, for the test case where the code aborts it causes the rest of the tests not to run.

My question is: in the tests is it possible to "stub" the abort in some way so it continues to run the other tests, or do I have no choice but to use another method to exit the rake task (such as next) and remove the abort altogether?


Here's a pseudo-ish code example of the test I'm working with. In my real test file I had other tests, and once this test would run it would abort and not run the others.

require 'rails_helper'
require 'rake'

RSpec.describe 'FooBar', type: :request do
  before { Rake.application.rake_require "tasks/foo" }

  it "doesn't foo the bar on Mondays" do
    allow(Date.current).to receive(:monday?).and_return(true)
    # expect it not to do the stuff

In the end I just changed it to next instead of abort but I couldn't find an answer to this question on SO or by googling so I thought I'd ask.

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kaydanzie Avatar asked Aug 16 '19 21:08


1 Answers

I know this is an old one, but I've been looking into this and I think the best way to get round this is by using raise_error. In your example this would look like:

require 'rails_helper'
require 'rake'

RSpec.describe 'FooBar', type: :request do
  before { Rake.application.rake_require "tasks/foo" }

  it "doesn't foo the bar on Mondays" do
    allow(Date.current).to receive(:monday?).and_return(false)
    expect { Rake::Task['foo:bar'].execute }.to raise_error(SystemExit)

If you abort with a particular error for example:

name :foo do
  desc 'Runs on mondays'
  task bar: :environment do
    abort "This should only run on a Monday!" unless Date.current.monday?
    # do some special stuff

You can test for the message too, i.e:

require 'rails_helper'
require 'rake'

RSpec.describe 'FooBar', type: :request do
  before { Rake.application.rake_require "tasks/foo" }

  it "doesn't foo the bar on Mondays" do
    allow(Date.current).to receive(:monday?).and_return(false)
    expect { Rake::Task['foo:bar'].execute }.to raise_error(SystemExit, "This should only run on a Monday!") # The message can also be a regex, e.g. /This should only run/

Hope this helps future Googlers!

like image 169
Pezholio Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11
