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How to test JQuery-file-upload with RSpec and Capybara

I have implemented a JQuery-file-upload in my Rails4 app. File upload works when I manually test it from the browser, but my test for it fails.

Below is my spec for the JQuery-file-upload: require 'spec_helper'

feature 'Evidences' do
  context "as an assessor user" do
    let!(:assessor) { User.make! :assessor }
    let!(:assessment)  { Assessment.make! }

    background { sign_in assessor }

    scenario "it uploads evidence", js: true do
      evidences_count_before_upload = assessment.evidences.count
      visit edit_assessment_path(assessment)

      path = "#{Rails.root}/spec/fixtures/files/sample1.doc"
      attach_file 'evidence_file_url', path

      expect(assessment.evidences.count).to eq(evidences_count_before_upload + 1)

I'm using RSpec 2, Capybara 2 and Poltergeist for this feature spec.

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Gjaldon Avatar asked Aug 23 '13 08:08


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1 Answers

I am also using JQuery-file-upload with RSpec and Capybara. I am using the capybara-webkit driver, but this should work with selenium as well.

See the example method and usage found in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11203629/1084109

like image 194
McFadden Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09
