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How Can I Tell Controller Specs to Use the Signed OAuth Request

I am building a 2-Legged OAuth provider for my api. Everything is hooked up properly and I can make signed calls from the rails console. The problem I have is that I am having trouble integrating OAuth into the controller_spec.

Here is an example of a working call on my server:

coneybeare $ rails c test
Loading test environment (Rails 3.2.0)
rails test: main 
>> consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new("one_key", "MyString", :site => [REDACTED])
# => #<OAuth::Consumer:0x007f9d01252268 @key="one_key", @secret="MyString", @options={:signature_method=>"HMAC-SHA1", :request_token_path=>"/oauth/request_token", :authorize_path=>"/oauth/authorize", :access_token_path=>"/oauth/access_token", :proxy=>nil, :scheme=>:header, :http_method=>:post, :oauth_version=>"1.0", :site=>[REDACTED]}>  

ruby: main 
>> req = consumer.create_signed_request(:get, "/api/v1/client_applications.json", nil)
# => #<Net::HTTP::Get GET>  

ruby: main 
>> res = Net::HTTP.start([REDACTED]) {|http| http.request(req) }
# => #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>  

ruby: main 
>> puts res.body
# => nil  

And here is what I am doing in my controller tests:

require 'oauth/client/action_controller_request'
describe Api::ClientApplicationsController do
  include OAuthControllerSpecHelper
    it "assigns all client_applications as @client_applications" do
      consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new("one_key", "MyString", :site => [REDACTED])
      puts "request.env['Authorization'] = #{@request.env['Authorization']}"
      get :index, {:api_version => 'v1', :format => :json}
      response.should be_success # Just this for now until I can get authorization, then proper controller testing

The output of that test:

request.env['Authorization'] = OAuth oauth_consumer_key="one_key", oauth_nonce="gzAbvBSWyFtIYKfuokMAdu6VnH39EHeXvebbH2qUtE", oauth_signature="juBkJo5K0WLu9mYqHVC3Ar%2FATUs%3D", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1328474800", oauth_version="1.0"
1) Api::ClientApplicationsController GET index assigns all client_applications as @client_applications
   Failure/Error: response.should be_success
     expected success? to return true, got false

And the corresponding server call from the rails log:

Processing by Api::ClientApplicationsController#index as JSON
  Parameters: {"api_version"=>1}
  Rendered text template (0.0ms)
Filter chain halted as #<OAuth::Controllers::ApplicationControllerMethods::Filter:0x007f85a51a8858 @options={:interactive=>false, :strategies=>:two_legged}, @strategies=[:two_legged]> rendered or redirected
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 15ms (Views: 14.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
   (0.2ms)  ROLLBACK

I just can't figure out why it's not working :/ Am I making an obvious mistake?

like image 760
coneybeare Avatar asked Feb 05 '12 21:02


1 Answers

If you'd like to test it in a request spec and actually need to test without stubbing, you can build an OAuth consumer and sign a request like this:

    @access_token = FactoryGirl.create :access_token
    @consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(@access_token.app.key, @access_token.app.secret, :site => "http://www.example.com/")
    @path = "/path/to/request"
    @request = @consumer.create_signed_request(:get, @path, OAuth::AccessToken.new(@consumer, @access_token.token, @access_token.secret))
    get @path, nil, { 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => @request.get_fields('authorization').first }
like image 107
Caleb Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
