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RSpec test destroy method (Rails Tutorial 3.2 Ch. 9, Ex. 10)

Git Error code: No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing


uninitialized constant ApplicationRecord

SessionsHelper in railstutorial.org: Should helpers be general-purpose modules for code not needed in views?

Can I access Application Helper methods in a RSpec request?

Ruby on rails and Node.js

Why "bundle install" a gem instead of "gem install" for a rails 3 app?

Rspec and named routes

Rails Tutorial: nokogiri-1.5.2 error on bundle install

How to solve the update bundler warning in rails when deploying to heroku?

Why use 'reload' method after saving object? (Hartl Rails Tut 6.30)

cannot load railtie after upgrade to rails 4 per ruby.railstutorial.org

Rails -- create and create! methods, RoR 3 Tutorial

Bundle Install could not fetch specs from https://rubygems.org/

Why does my rails rollback when I try to user.save?

Confused about 'respond_to' vs 'respond_to?'

Global access to Rake DSL methods is deprecated