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Confused about 'respond_to' vs 'respond_to?'

I am learning Rails with railstutorial.org, and I am confused about something: in this chapter the author tells us to do some testing in the console with the respond_to? method on a User object, and it works ok. But later, when we write the test for the :encrypted_password attribute, he uses respond_to.

Out of curiosity, I tried respond_to in the console, for a User object, and I get an error saying the method doesnt exist. Alas, if I try to write the test using respond_to? instead of respond_to, the test doesnt run.

Could someone explain me the difference, and why does the test only run with respond_to?

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agente_secreto Avatar asked Jul 27 '11 18:07


People also ask

What is Respond_to?

respond_to is a method on the superclass ActionController . it takes a block, which is like a delegate. The block is from do until end , with |format| as an argument to the block. respond_to executes your block, passing a Responder into the format argument.

What is Respond_to in Ruby?

respond_to is a Rails method for responding to particular request types.

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Ruby Language Metaprogramming send() method send() is used to pass message to object . send() is an instance method of the Object class. The first argument in send() is the message that you're sending to the object - that is, the name of a method. It could be string or symbol but symbols are preferred.

3 Answers

Ruby treats ? and ! as actual characters in a method name. respond_to and respond_to? are different. ? indicates that this should respond with a true or false (by convention; this is not a requirement). Specifically:

respond_to? is a Ruby method for detecting whether the class has a particular method on it. For example,


would return true if the User class has an eat_food method on it.

respond_to is a Rails method for responding to particular request types. For example:

def index
  @people = Person.find(:all)

  respond_to do |format|
    format.xml { render :xml => @people.to_xml }

However, in the RailsTutorial link you've provided, you're seeing an RSpec method should interacting with RSpec's respond_to method. This wouldn't be available in your console, unless you run rails console test.

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Tim Sullivan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10

Tim Sullivan

respond_to? is a Boolean evaluation. The respond_to is used (normally) for determining the display information. More information here. The respond_to? checks to see if a method exists and returns true if it does and false if it doesn't.

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Micharch54 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10


The test uses convenient helpers to be more user friendly.

Ruby is Ruby so using the good old respond_to? would work if you call it this way:

 @user.respond_to?(:encrypted_password).should be_true

There is another respond_to used in controllers but still nothing to do with those you already met.

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apneadiving Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 12:10
