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Rails Migration: add_reference to Table but Different Column Name For Foreign Key Than Rails Convention

I have the following two Models:

class Store < ActiveRecord::Base     belongs_to :person end  class Person < ActiveRecord::Base     has_one :store end 

Here is the issue: I am trying to create a migration to create the foreign key within the people table. However, the column referring to the foreign key of Store is not named store_id as would be rails convention but is instead named foo_bar_store_id.

If I was following the rails convention I would do the migration like this:

class AddReferencesToPeople < ActiveRecord::Migration   def change     add_reference :people, :store, index: true   end end 

However this will not work because the column name is not store_id but is foo_bar_store_id. So how do I specify that the foreign key name is just different, but still maintain index: true to maintain fast performance?

like image 824
Neil Avatar asked Jan 06 '15 23:01


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1 Answers

in rails 5.x you can add a foreign key to a table with a different name like this:

class AddFooBarStoreToPeople < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]   def change     add_reference :people, :foo_bar_store, foreign_key: { to_table: :stores }   end end 

Inside a create_table block

t.references :feature, foreign_key: {to_table: :product_features} 
like image 192
schpet Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 03:11
