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New posts in rails-activerecord

Convert database constraints to Rails validations

Rails ActiveRecord string field encoding vs Ruby String encoding

Using Rails find_or_create_by with form objects

Foreign key is allowed to be NULL?

Rails select in scope

How to update all the values of an column with regular expression in Rails 4

Rails custom validation error messages on attributes of another model

Get value of atomic counter (increment) with Rails and Postgres

ActiveRecord query on dates in user's time zone

ActionView::Template::Error at / uninitialized constant

How can I access a Postgres column default value using ActiveRecord?

In Rails 4.2, how do I convert an integer to an enum?

Ruby on Rails - find where value equals NaN

Rails: Order a model by the last element of a has_many association

It is possible to use the new ActiveRecord::Attributes API in a PORO?

How do I do this? Model.where("created_at >= #{Time.now - 5.days}")

Multiple where conditions in Rails

Rails 3.1: can't write to column in same migration that adds it

Rails counter_cache not updating correctly

Why alias_method fails in Rails model