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Is it possible to use rescue with a conditional?

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Setting status code in Sinatra's custom error block

How do I set a cookie with a (ruby) rack middleware component?

Looking for rack app structure and config.ru specs?

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Random slow Rack::MethodOverride#call on rails app on Heroku

Reloading rails middleware without restarting the server in development

Sinatra request["SOME_HEADER"] doesn't work on POST; doc bug?

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Why does Rails generate a config.ru that runs a class, not an object?

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Unable to activate sinatra-1.4.7, because rack-2.0.1 conflicts with rack (~> 1.5)

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How to setup URLs for static site with Ruby Rack on Heroku

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What's the difference between Rack and Passenger?

How to switch between different version of gem installed?

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Passing options to rackup via a Sinatra application

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How do you choose your HTTP server in Sinatra?

Using Cookies with Rack::Test

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Rack middleware "trapping" stack trace

Rails 4.2 server; private and public ip not working

Calling a Sinatra app instance method from TestCase

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Set Rack session cookie expiration programmatically

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rack-mini-profiler is showing profiling static files