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The ggplotly() ignores legend labels editing despite using scale_fill_manual()

r ggplot2 plotly r-plotly

How do I force identical colors for all plots in a subplot in plotly?

r plotly r-plotly

plotly click events from anywhere on the plot

R Plotly: aspectmode='cube' not making axes equal in 3D slcatter plot

Avoid legend duplication in plotly conversion from ggplot with facet_wrap

r ggplot2 plotly r-plotly

Extract all click event plots from Shiny, Plotly - R

r shiny plotly r-plotly

Disable the legend double click event

r plotly legend r-plotly

Long facet_wrap labels in ggplotly / plotly overlap facet's strip.background

R ggplotly: legend is not correctly displayed

r ggplot2 plotly r-plotly

Plotly, add border around points created with add_markers

r border scatter-plot r-plotly

Is there a way to hide Trace Names in Plotly (specifically R)?

r plotly r-plotly

add_trace: control the color

r colors plotly r-plotly

Removing traces by name using plotlyProxy (or accessing output schema in reactive context)

r shiny plotly r-plotly

Plotly (r): Unable to apply correct colors to 3D scatter and show legend at the same time

r r-plotly

Empty Plotly with centered title R

r plotly r-plotly

Shiny doesn't display R plotly plot

r shiny shiny-server r-plotly

How to set different text and hoverinfo text

r plotly r-plotly