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New posts in r-package

What is the MD5 file in R packages used for? How is it generated?

r md5 r-package

How to cleanly define a set of variables when an R package loads and clear them on unload?

r r-package

Compacting Shared Libraries in R package

r rcpp r-package

Using inst/extdata with vignette during package checking R 2.14.0

r package packages r-package

Using RStudio's "Build" but no *.Rcheck generated

r rstudio r-package

Test interaction with users in R package

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Unicode character in R-package Authors Name

r unicode r-package

Error in browseVignettes: no vignettes found

r rstudio r-package

Stuck with definition of S3 method for autoplot

r r-package roxygen2 r-s3

Trouble building R package wtih devtools when it uses RcppArmadillo

How to make R package recommend a package hosted on GitHub?

r devtools r-package

Are explicit roxygen import from base package needed?

r r-package

How to use rlang operators in a package?

R package building: How to import a function from a package not on CRAN

r r-package

Check for installed packages in R

r r-package

What is the best practice for making functions in my R package parallelizable?

List of packages that need an update

r updates r-package

Requiring OpenMP availability for use in an Rcpp package