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How can I read the source code for an R function?

r r-faq

Convert list to data frame while keeping list-element names

r list dataframe r-faq

subset rows with (1) ALL and (2) ANY columns larger than a specific value

r subset r-faq

apply() is slow - how to make it faster or what are my alternatives?

r apply r-faq

Debugging unexpected errors in R -- how can I find where the error occurred?

r error-handling r-faq

strptime, as.POSIXct and as.Date return unexpected NA

r macos datetime strptime r-faq

How can I avoid having my R script printed every time I run it?

r r-faq

Issue when passing variable with dollar sign notation ($) to aes() in combination with facet_grid() or facet_wrap()

r ggplot2 r-faq

Storing R Objects in a relational database

database r object r-faq

Why does summarize or mutate not work with group_by when I load `plyr` after `dplyr`?

r dplyr plyr r-faq

ERROR: a 'NAMESPACE' file is required

r namespaces r-faq

Debugging tools for the R language [duplicate]

r debugging r-faq

R: How to handle times without dates?

r date time r-faq

Index values from a matrix using row, col indices

r indexing matrix r-faq

Conditional merge/replacement in R

r match r-faq

Transpose / reshape dataframe without "timevar" from long to wide format

r reshape transpose r-faq

How to convert a Shiny app consisting of multiple files into an easily shareable and reproducible Shiny example?

r shiny r-faq

How can I paste 100000 without it being shortened to 1e+05? [duplicate]

r r-faq

Dollar sign before a variable

r dataframe r-faq dollar-sign

How to measure similarity between strings?

regex string r r-faq