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New posts in quartz-2d

Adding a CALayer sublayer inside of UIView init

How do I create a new image by drawing on top of an existing one using Quartz?

iPhone: how to draw text in a window?

iphone quartz-2d

How to set up a user Quartz2D coordinate system with scaling that avoids fuzzy drawing?

‘invalid context 0x0’ error when using CGContext* functions

Is this a good way to do a game loop for an iPhone game?

Reduce the size of PDF file generated with Quartz2D

Saving CGContextRef

Custom "resizable image" drawing in iOS

CGPath as a string

PDFDocument does not use custom URL protocol

objective-c cocoa quartz-2d

How to set a gradient border on UIView?

How to get the real RGBA or ARGB color values without premultiplied alpha?

In iOS Development, using Core Graphics and/or Quartz 2D, how can I draw a circle filled with a gradient in such a manner that it looks like a sphere?

Can I query the current point from a CGContext?

quartz-2d cgcontext

Quartz 2D substitude for graphicsPort in SDK 10.10

NSView's Drawing Context

Create a table of contents from a pdf file

Quartz 2d / Core Graphics: What is the right way to draw some text?