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django testing: How to start a background process that can access the test database?

Pycharm running unittest in verbose mode

cannot import module from a folder

testing.postgresql command not found: initdb inside docker

Initializing MEDIA_ROOT before each Django Test

Python - Make unit tests independent for classes with class variables

Python unittest not recognizing tests

python python-unittest

How can I unit test a class with __enter__ / __exit__ methods?

Avoid executing __init__ of mocked class

how to load resource file while running python unittest using twisted trial

Patch method only in one module

Why Invalid Syntax in Python Unittest [closed]

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Decorator works for Function but not Class

(unittest) Testing Flask-Security: Cannot get past login page

UserDict is not considered as a dict by unittest

python python-unittest

unittest.mock.patch: Context manager vs setUp/tearDown in unittest

python python-unittest

Recursive unittest discovery with python3 and without __init__.py files