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New posts in python-imaging-library

Python: How to cut out an area with specific color from image (OpenCV, Numpy)

How can I determine the length of a multi-page TIFF using Python Image Library (PIL)?

Python: Open multiple images in default image viewer

Capturing x,y Coordinates with Python PIL

How to return in-memory PIL image from WSGI application

IOError: "decoder zip not available" using matplotlib PNG in ReportLab on Linux, works on Windows

How to open a simple image using streams in Pillow-Python

Python PIL bitmap/png from array with mode=1

Pillow ImageDraw text coordinates to center

How can one perform color transforms with ICC profiles on a set of arbitrary pixel values (not on an image data structure)?

Creating Blank Images in Python (allowing pixel by pixel manipulation)

Anything faster than ImageMagick?

Django - Getting PIL Image save method to work with Amazon s3boto Storage

Convert boolean numpy array to pillow image

How to get pixel coordinates if I know color(RGB)?

Extract key frames from GIF using Python

How do I remove the y-axis from a Pylab-generated picture?

Scrapy: customize Image pipeline with renaming defualt image name

Pillow, how to put the text in the center of the image

Django/PIL Error - Caught an exception while rendering: The _imagingft C module is not installed