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New posts in python-imaging-library

Draw underline text with PIL

What is causing dimension-dependent AttributeError in PIL fromarray function?

Python Image Library Image Resolution when Resizing

Using PIL or a Numpy array, how can I remove entire rows from an image?

guessing the rgb gradient from a map?

How to install GExiv2 on a virtualenv?

Why does Pillow not recognize the JPEG format?

Using Python to Resize Images when Greater than 1280 on either side

create PNG image from sparse data

PILKit was unable to import the Python Imaging Library

How to change opacity of image and merge with another image in Python

Python PIL Fill an image with a color outline

Saving 'float' numpy images

Is "from ... import ..." sometimes required and plain "import ..." not always working? Why?

ImageFont's getsize() does not get correct text size?

Got Django and Buildout working, but what about PIL and Postgres?

Crop non symmetric area of an image with Python/PIL

White background to transparent background using PIL python

Python PIL: Create indexed color image with transparent background

PIL doesn't recognize jpeg library under Mac OS